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Dynamo Post16 - Dyscalculia Screeners for Adults

Dynamo Maths (Jelly James Publishing) Stand: P57

Our Screeners:

1. Dynamo Post16 
Dyscalculia Self-perception Questionnaire (DSPQ):

The DSPQ examines eight researched dyscalculia indicators to help gain insights into the individuals’ risk of dyscalculia. Using a voice-driven questionnaire, it takes an introspective approach to gather personal experiences, opinions and beliefs about maths and produces a Self-Perception visual report with a Maths Anxiety Scale and recommends areas for support.

2. Dynamo Post16 Dyscalculia Number Sense Profiler (DNSP):

The DNSP provides a comprehensive and detailed dyscalculia profile with a recommendations report outlining strengths and signpost areas for intervention. This online, easy-to-administer, quantitative screener uses the research and evidence-based NumberSenseMMRTM developmental framework, validated by the University of Oxford.

3. Dynamo Post16 Dyscalculia Cognitive Sub-tests (DCST):

The DCST assesses key cognitive areas related to dyscalculia, such as memory, attention, processing speed, and reasoning. These sub-tests offer insights into cognitive strengths and challenges, informing personalised intervention strategies for improved support. These sub-tests will provide a cognitive profile of the individual, supporting evidence for dyscalculia.


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