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26 Aug 2024

Jack Signs Farm Animals!

AVID Language Stand: G68


Today, Jack is in for a big surprise! He's not going to Nursery...he's off to THE FARM! Accompanied by Mummy, sister Caitlin and Pink Pig, his favourite toy, Jack has fun learning the signs for all the animals as they explore the farm, then stop for a yummy picnic in the sun. (You too can learn along with Jack, by using the free online BSL resources on the AVID Language website, where you can also see the whole story signed!). Then, with thirst quenched and tummies full, it's off to find more animals.

Everything is going so well until... oh no! Where is Pink Pig? Jack is distraught - he wants to show his favourite toy to the real pigs, but he can't find him! What can be done to save the day?

Jack Signs Farm Animals! is the third book in the charming Jack Signs! series, designed to support the learning of sign language through fun and relatable stories for young children. The books provide “mirrors and windows” into the life of Jack, a little boy who is deaf and wears hearing aids, his typically-hearing sister Caitlin and their ever-resourceful mother.

Jack Signs Farm Animals! integrates “sign along with me” icons, which prompt children (plus their parents and teachers) to sign along with Jack as they read the story. If they come across new vocabulary, they can hop online to learn the sign from the video resources available on the AVID Language website, and to watch the whole story signed in both BSL (British Sign Language) and ASL (American Sign Language).

Written by Karen Hardwicke, who has been a Teacher of the Deaf for over ten years, the Jack Signs! books are based on a true story and are an ode to sign language. The series is illustrated by Amanda Walker whose beautiful artworks bring each story to life with sensitivity and humour.


All our books are available on Amazon and via other online bookstores, or can be ordered directly from us. Wholesale orders via Gardners or Ingram Content Group, or contact us directly. A limited number of copies will be available for direct purchase from our stand (264) during the show. Thank you!

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