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17 Jul 2024

Brain Dance! Hot NYT News: The New 5x5x5 Models of Neuroscience To Music Making Well-Beings

Dysmusia Foundation Stand: 277
Brain Dance! Hot NYT News:  The New 5x5x5 Models of Neuroscience To Music Making Well-Beings

Brain Dance! Hot NYT News: The New 5x5x5 'Modes!' of Neuroscience to Music Making Well-Beings


The New York Times recently highlighted the fascinating intersection of dance and neuroscience, revealing dance as a powerful driver for cognitive development. This insight opens the door to exploring how different modes of music making contribute to holistic well-being. We introduce the concept of "Brain Dance!" which integrates the new 5x5x5 'Modes!' of Neuroscience to Music Making Well-Beings.


The 5 Sways


1. SINGing: Singing activates various parts of the brain, enhancing memory, language skills, and emotional expression.

2. PLAYing: Playing instruments improves hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and cognitive flexibility.

3. DRUMing: Drumming boosts rhythmic precision and timing, essential for cognitive and motor skills.

4. DANCEing: Dancing, as highlighted by the NYT, promotes brain plasticity and social interaction.

5. CONNECTing: Combining these activities fosters social bonds and enhances collective well-being.


The 5 Ways


1. Connect: Engage with others through group singing, ensemble playing, or dancing, fostering social skills and emotional support.

2. Be Active: Incorporate physical activities like drumming or dancing to improve physical health and cognitive function.

3. Take Notice: Pay attention to the music and movements, enhancing mindfulness and sensory awareness.

4. Keep Learning: Continuously learn new songs, instruments, or dance moves to stimulate cognitive growth.

5. Give: Share your music and dance with others, building community and spreading joy.


The 5 Wells


1. Well-Being: Music making enhances emotional well-being, reducing stress and promoting mental health.

2. Well-Taught: Music education builds cognitive skills, improving performance in other academic areas.

3. Well-Versed: Understanding and appreciating diverse musical forms enriches cultural and social awareness.

4. Well-Enabled: Accessibility in music education ensures inclusivity for SEND and non-SEND individuals.

5. Well-Tech: Leveraging technology in music making enhances learning experiences and accessibility.


Connecting the Dots: The 5x5x5 Modes of Music Making Well-Beings


1. Cognitive Development

- SINGing and Keep Learning: Learning new songs and lyrics challenges memory and language processing.

- PLAYing and Be Active: Playing instruments stimulates brain regions responsible for coordination and problem-solving.

- DRUMing and Take Notice: Drumming requires precise timing and focus, enhancing attention and cognitive control.


2. Skills Building in All Areas

- DANCEing and Connect: Dancing improves spatial awareness, coordination, and social skills.

- CONNECTing and Give: Group activities promote teamwork, empathy, and community building.

- Well-Taught and Well-Tech: Utilizing technology in music education supports diverse learning styles and accessibility.


3. Social Neuroscience of Wellbeing

- SINGing and Well-Being: Singing together fosters a sense of belonging and reduces feelings of loneliness.

- PLAYing and Well-Versed: Playing music in groups builds social networks and cultural appreciation.

- DANCEing and Well-Enabled: Inclusive dance programs ensure participation from all individuals, enhancing community cohesion.


By integrating these elements, we create a framework for music education that caters to all ages, abilities, and academic levels. The "Brain Dance!" concept, supported by the latest neuroscience, demonstrates the profound impact of music making on cognitive development, skills building, and social well-being.




The New York Times has shed light on the powerful connection between dance and neuroscience, encouraging us to expand this understanding to all forms of music making. The 5x5x5 Modes of Music Making Well-Beings offer a comprehensive approach to enhancing cognitive and social development through engaging, inclusive, and diverse musical activities.


Join us in this exciting journey of discovery and well-being through music. Embrace the Brain Dance and experience the transformative power of music making in your life and community.

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