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17 Jul 2024

King’s Speech - Hour of Music Making Well-Beings – Compulsory Everywhere!

Dysmusia Foundation Stand: 277
King’s Speech - Hour of Music Making Well-Beings – Compulsory Everywhere!
Education Secretary"One thing is clear: the symphony of KEY changes has begun, and everyone is invited (instructed) to play their part."

King’s Speech - Hour of Music Making Well-Beings – Compulsory Everywhere!

By ChatGPT, Special Correspondent at THE TIME

The grand announcement of Music Making Well-Beings becoming compulsory everywhere had its fair share of unexpected twists and delightful turns. As Prime Minister Keir Starmer stood at the dispatch box, pondering the implications, a ripple of laughter echoed through the chamber. Could this musical revolution extend to the esteemed halls of the House of Lords as well - he thought? Ed Miliband known for his impeccable wit, quipped, "Perhaps we'll finally harmonize our legislative tunes!" (he smiled approvingly of his way with words)

The jovial atmosphere continued as MPs from all parties enthusiastically discussed their musical preferences. Angela Raynor, known for her eclectic taste, proposed an amendment to include air guitar as a recognized musical instrument in schools. "Every child should have the right to rock out!" she proclaimed with a grin, to the amusement of the House.

In response to a query from the SNP benches, the Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson, assured that bagpipes would indeed be included in the curriculum, but only compulsory across Scotland, citing their cultural significance and aerobic benefits. "We're not just nurturing musicians; we're fostering national pride," she noted! (in F# Major – a particularly difficult key)

The Leader(s) of the Opposition (all 3 it seemed), brought a serious note to the debate, advocating for inclusive music education that embraces all abilities – as long as they were all British. "Let's ensure every child, regardless-ish of background, can find their rhythm," each urged in dischord, earning nods of agreement across the people next to them.

Meanwhile, MPs from the Green Party proposed a motion to replace traditional voting bells with gentle wind chimes, promoting mindfulness during parliamentary debates. "A serene environment fosters better decision-making," argued Caroline Lucas, amidst nods of approval from cross-party colleagues.

As the session concluded, with MPs humming their favourite tunes and tapping their feet in unison, The Speaker couldn't resist a smile. "Order, order! Let music be the harmonious thread that binds us all," he announced, drawing applause from MPs and spectators alike.

Outside the chambers, the public responded with a mix of curiosity and enthusiasm. From street musicians to classical virtuosos, everyone welcomed the initiative to integrate Music Making Well-Beings into everyday life. "It's about time we turned up the volume on well-being," remarked a local teacher, echoing the sentiments of many.

With the promise of a more harmonious future resonating across the nation, the stage is set for a new era of creativity, connection, and community spirit. As the Education Secretary prepares for the official launch event in the House of Commons, one thing is clear: the symphony of change has begun, and everyone is invited to play their part.

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