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17 Jul 2024

Purple Daze In My Brain! Dysmusia Syndrome Hidden In Plain Sight

Dysmusia Foundation Stand: 277
Purple Daze In My Brain! Dysmusia Syndrome Hidden In Plain Sight
Hendrix, Clapton, Prince Couldn't Read Music - Are You and Yours Part of the Undiscovered Dysmusia Syndrome?

Dysmusia—Hidden in Plain Sight: The Purple Daze in My Brain!

The $Multi-Billion Missed SEND, Non-SEND, & Music Making Well-Beings Opportunity.

20% + 90% = 100%???

Hidden In Plain Sight - 20% SEND + 90% Give Up and the !00% Don't Realize the Wellbeing Power of Music Making.

Have you ever wondered why legendary musicians like Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and Prince couldn’t read music? The answer may lie in what we now term Dysmusia Syndrome. Our recent YouGov Benchmark Survey, The Global Scale of Dysmusia, reveals an astonishing gap in music education and pedagogy, impacting not just SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) but the broader non-SEND population as well.

With 20% of the population having SEND, 90% giving up music, and 100% unaware of the wellbeing benefits of music making, we are missing out on a massive opportunity to enhance lives and tap into a potential multi-billion-dollar market.

The Astonishing Gap in Music Pedagogy

Our research highlights that there are over 500 music system patents, yet none cater specifically to SEND needs. This gap signifies a colossal oversight in addressing the unique challenges faced by individuals with Dysmusia, which we define as a spectrum of difficulties in music perception and production akin to how dyslexia affects reading.

Circle of Dys' Revealed

The Circle of Dys' offers a new definition of Dysmusia with an inner circle of SEND20% and an outer circle of SEND90%, representing those who have never tried or gave up on music.

These findings are revealed through quantitative scores and benchmark analysis, showing the diverse needs of both SEND and non-SEND populations.

Introducing the Triple X Test:

1. Tracking & Trending via YouGov Benchmark Survey Circle of Dys': This test identifies the prevalence and impact of Dysmusia within the population, providing a comprehensive overview of the challenges faced by both SEND and non-SEND individuals, including Sensory Experience Natures and Diversities (SEND).

2. 16 Types, 4 Temperaments with MSTTi Jung/Briggsian + Color + Design Psychology: By integrating personality types and design psychology, we tailor music education to individual learning styles, enhancing engagement and retention.

3. Teaching and Targeting All Types and Temperaments with X-VAKTOR Multi-SENsory System: Our X-VAKTOR system utilizes Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic, Tone & Time assessments to create a holistic, multi-sensory approach to music education, ensuring inclusivity and effectiveness.

The $Multi-Bn Missed Economic and Wellbeing Opportunity

The Dysmusia Foundation’s findings point to a significant economic and wellbeing opportunity. By addressing the needs of both SEND and non-SEND populations, we can unlock a potential market worth billions. Moreover, the wellbeing benefits of music making, supported by neuroscience research, highlight improvements in cognitive development, emotional regulation, and social cohesion.

The $4Bn Opportunity and $1Tn Impact

Our AI-generated report, "Wellenomics – Of Music Making-Wellbeings," reveals a $4Bn economic sector opportunity and a $1Tn global impact. This positions music making as a potential 12th sector within the Global Wellness Institute, emphasizing its profound influence on global wellness.

Building a World of Wellsicians

Our mission is to bridge the gap in music education and create a world where everyone can experience the joy and wellbeing of music making. By leveraging our Triple X Test and innovative approaches, we aim to revolutionize music pedagogy, making it accessible and beneficial for all.

Join Us in This Journey

We invite educators, policymakers, and stakeholders to join us at the TES SEND Show 2024, where we will launch The Dysmusia Foundation's Revolutionary EmojiPhonics SEND Music System. Discover how we can together transform music education, support those with Dysmusia, and create a thriving community of Wellsicians—individuals who achieve holistic well-being through music making.

Are you ready to be part of this transformative journey? Let’s make music education inclusive, impactful, and accessible for all.

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