Struggling with numbers and maths at school, FE, HE or work?
- Our research and evidence-based standardised online dyscalculia screeners are trusted by 1000's of schools and organisations in the UK and globally.
- We are launching Dynamo Post16 at the TES. Ideal for assessors for Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA), Access to Work (AtW), Exam Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments.
- A trusted SEND provision that unlocks potential.
JellyJames Publishing286 Preston Road
United Kingdom
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Dynamo Maths helps SENCOs and TAs support students with dyscalculia and those not meeting age-related expectations.
Dynamo Post16 Helps Needs Assessors with Evidence for Dyscalculia. A collection of research and evidence-based dyscalculia screeners to support neurodiverse individual needs assessment.