Glynda Cullen
Following my degree as a mature student in SEN with QTS, I taught in inclusive primary schools where neurodiversity was embraced and developed teaching strategies to support children with SEND to achieve.
I then headed up a junior school within an independent school and developed a new ethos of including parents as part of the school’s learning community, developing the curriculum to spark enthusiasm and interest.
Having previously adopted a passion for learners with SEN, I then taught in two different specialist schools. Firstly, as key stage 5 lead teacher in a SEND provision, I taught pupils on a sensory pathway as well as pupils on an employability route who were studying for Functional Skills qualifications in maths and English. Following this, I taught pupils in key stage 3 in an SEMH school with my trusty hound, Peaches the miniature sausage who provided a focus for good mental health support and lessons in self-regulation. Peaches, as well as Zones of Regulation, supported children in emotional health. Both settings involved collaboration with onsite Speech and Language and Occupational therapists, thorough knowledge of EHCPs, and a good relationship built on trust, and individual needs which were woven into the lesson plan to support inclusivity as well as individual progress.
I am currently studying for an MA in SpLD (dyslexia) at the Institute of Education, UCL whilst working with SENsational Tutors. I privately teach children with SEND in their homes and support families to navigate the road less travelled.