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Carrie Caceres-Taguiang

Carrie Caceres-Taguiang

Outreach Consultant, BeyondAutism

Carrie studied Psychology at University College London (UCL). During her undergraduate, she undertook an ABA home programme and remained with the family for two years.
Since 2015, Carrie has worked at both Park House and Tram House School and progressed through the roles of ABA Tutor, ABA Instructor and Behaviour Analyst. She completed her Masters in ABA in 2019 and became a Board-Certified Behaviour Analyst in August 2021. During her time at the schools, Carrie enjoyed training and empowering staff and supporting the pupils to make meaningful progress.

Carrie moved into Research and Learning as an Outreach Consultant in April 2023. She continues to be passionate about teaching functional skills and supporting autistic children, young adults and their families.


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