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An opportunity for SEND professionals to access a combination of free to attend practical, educational and resourceful presentations.

  1. Measuring dyslexia and executive function with a UK-normed ‘whole child’ battery
    45 mins
    The Intelligence and Development Scales, Second Edition (IDS-2) is a broad developmental assessment for ages 5-21. Used globally, the IDS-2 was recently adapted and normed for the UK population and is ...
  1. The Power of Direct Instruction
    45 mins
    Project Follow Through was the beginning, not the conclusion, of a sixty-year story that has resulted in the undeniable validation of Direct Instruction as an essential body of teacher knowledge.  We’ ...
  1. Education Elephant
    45 mins
  1. Harnessing AI to Support Diverse Learners: Practical Strategies for Inclusive Classrooms
    45 mins
    This session will explore how AI can be leveraged to create more inclusive and supportive learning environments for diverse learners, including those with special educational needs and English as an A ...
  1. Aided Language / AAC in the Classroom for Learners with Speech, Language and Communication Needs
    45 mins
    This session will explore the effective implementation of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in the classroom, for learners with complex speech, language, and communication needs. It wil ...
  1. Autism. Anxiety. Absenteeism.
    45 mins
    Lavinia is a Mental Health and Autism nurse specialist and has worked as an independent specialist for the last 4 years. If you are a parent or professional wondering about how to recognise a young pe ...


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